Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1: McCarthy Flight to Chisana and Up Geohendra Creek

I have wanted to do the Nabesna to McCarthy route for years. The car shuttle is daunting though, so Raina and I bypassed it by flying from McCarthy into Chisana. In retrospect we could have flown all the way to Nabesna, but that's retrospect for ya.

The McCarthy Foot Bridge


Even though it was a semi beautiful day our flight got delayed for about 4 hours waiting for the clouds to clear. The pilot for Wrangell Mtn Air was awesome, and we flew over most of the route, except the infamous goat trail.

Raina let me sit up front because she knows what a picture taking geek I am. She really is the best!


We landed in Chisana a little after 4pm, and headed out right away. From the air we could see a nice four wheeler trail through the trees that went straight to Geohendra creek, our pathway to the alpine.



The Creek was super easy walking, as good as it gets really. We hike up about 7 miles and made camp on the riverbed. Just as dinner was about done, and the sun was almost gone, a girl with pink chaps on a humongous horse came right by our camp. She was followed by her packhorse, two clients in camo and a young buck with like 4 more horses. It was random, they were headed to a cabin around the corner, Raina and I laughed because we almost stayed there.

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