Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 9: Chitistone, Nizina, McCarthy, Anchorage!

Raina and I decided to check out the cabin before we got back in the river. Apparently there are two public cabins tucked into the trees. Although there were 4 planes it turned out that 3 friends each take their own plane when they go fly together, and the fourth plane belonged to a couple.

Putting back in the Chitistone


The only hiccup of the whole float could have been easily avoided had I just pulled out to scope my trajectory from the Chitistone into the much larger Nizina river. Instead I bombed ahead and the instant I hit the Nizina I flipped into a huge whirl pool. I got out but my boat just floated in circles till my pack caught the outer current and was spit out and then I caught it. Pretty funny overall.

Chitistone, Meet the Nizina


The Nizina is a large high volume river, super mellow floating but lots of creepy eddy lines, and boils that pull at the boat.


It was a fast float and Raina and I were at the old Nizina bridge by early afternoon. Jen, a McCarthy local, picked us up in her truck and spared us the 9 mile walk down a road back to Mccarthy....I did it last year, was glad to avoid a repeat!

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Overall one of the most amazing trips I have ever got to do. Stellar in all aspects of scenery, travel and companionship. I feel super lucky to have been able to do it in such fine style.


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