Thursday, July 9, 2009

Eagle River Float: A Packraft, Canoe, Trick Kayak, and Blow up Kayak

I don't think I've ever taken part in a float with so many different types of boats going down a river at one time, but it was super fun! This was a perfect day to sit and float, the air was hot, calm and smelled like fire...

Krista and Loki, and the Canoe Crew, James, Jackson, and Emilee


We floated from the N. Fork of the Eagle River to the put in by Hiland Bridge. It was super mellow and I guess its a lot higher than usual. Krista's (sp?) dog Loki (sp?) was so cute on the front of her boat. He was nervous at first and then eventually layed down.

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I haven't floated this section of the Eagle River since I was about 14, and it was like doing it for the first time again....a born again river virgin...or something : )

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