Sunday, November 8, 2009

And A Little More: Nabesna

On day three it had finally turned cold. I spent at least a minute doing the sniff test to see how hard my nostrils were sticking together to guestimate the temperature....I'm pretty sure without the windchill it was a solid 0 degrees ...which is my cut off for ice climbing in the first place..Lucky for us we had an hour hike to get to the bottom of the route, I was down to two layers of wool and a houdini, by the time we got back to the big cleft.

Me Coming Up the Canyon
Photo by: Bill Billmier


The Approach Pitch
Photo by: Bill Billmier

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The top of the pitch had not one drop of running water on it, and it was brutal steep. When Bill tapped on it, scary noises put thoughts of total pillar collapse in my head...I probably wasn't super encouraging, "looks like shit", "I don't want to climb it on toprope" things like that....somethings just aren't meant to be climbed on certain days...

A Very Cantankerous Wing and A Prayer


A Wing and A Prayer


Slide Show

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The magic temp is around 20 and when it get to cold the ice gets really brittle and shatters. I used to do portage valley alot, also on the days when it was to warm and the water would run down your sleeve.