Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Train Ride, Sidewalks, and Floating the Placer River

When we woke up we had no idea what to do with the beautiful day. A few minutes on the great internet secured us seats on the AK railroad to get a drop off at the Spencer Glacier whistlestop. We had a 1/2 hr to pack and head out the door!

Getting off the train


Hiking Around the Lake



We decided to walk around the lake to the toe of the glacier, I was just as psyched to walk back, but we decided to float across the lake, all I can say is that I'm glad that there wasn't a head wind, and the views were incredible.

Blowing up the Boats



The Placer river is a pretty boring float. If it didn't involve a glacier and a train ride it would be much less appealing. A wonderful day out with great company, no complaints!

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