Turnagain Pass has been oh so very lovely this winter. Sometimes there are these brief little rays of light that make the surroundings so much more joyful.
For some reason since I last posted anything in February I have slowly drawn away from my enthusiastic picture and thought sharing emailing ways. I think that instead of having a constant predictable rhythm I tend to oscillate back and forth between the extremes. I like to share, then I don't, I eat quesadillas for a month then switch to cheese noodles, I do calorie reduction programs or I buy chocolate cake.....wheres the bran muffin in between? I guess I can always blame it on those mysterious stars pulling my psychic energy out of whack....yeah thats it....its all because I'm a gemini...! I hope my sarcasm is shining through this writing because otherwise I might just be embarrassing myself. I tried to add pictures because thats really why I usually want to share, but I can't get them to upload. They need a better mass photo uploader tool for this site. But its google endorsed(owned??), so I'm sure there working on it.